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Methods for Managing Client Communication

Effective communication with your clients is paramount for success. Whether you’re managing one-on-one appointments, group events, or back-and-forth client interactions, Apptoto provides versatile tools to streamline your communication process.

To help make the process of communicating with your clients easier, we’ve put together a brief list of ways you can use Apptoto to contact your clients, depending on how you’re trying to reach out specifically.

Reaching out to upcoming appointments with a one-time message

To send a one-time message to your clients, you can utilize the Apptoto Connect feature (the blue Compose button on your Appointments tab). This will allow you to select from upcoming calendar events or simply type out contact information to be used directly, and then send off a fully customized message. For further info, visit One-Time Messages (Apptoto Connect)

Setting up automatic message(s) to send to your entire client base

If you need to reach out to an entire client base, our Campaigns feature will allow you to send customized messages at regular interval to an entire address book of contacts. The default behavior for the Campaigns is to ask clients to visit a booking page to reserve time with you, but you will have full control to change the contents of your messages to whatever language needed. For more info, visit Campaigns

Communicating with recently completed appointments

To reach out to any recently completed appointments, we offer Followup message timing, available in your Auto Messages tab, similar to any Reminder messages you send leading up to your appointment times. For more info on that, visit Followup Message Timing

Adding language to existing reminder messages

As always, you have full control over the contents of your existing messages to change as needed. This will all be accomplished via the Auto Messages tab, but for further info, visit Message Editor

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team at and we’ll be happy to help as quickly as possible!