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Entries by Nicole Mears


Craft an Appointment Cancellation Policy that Works (+ Templates)

“There’s just no way I’m going to make my appointment today,” mentions your client. Looking at the clock, you think to yourself that it would have been helpful to know that yesterday instead of 10 minutes before the appointment. You sigh, “Okay,” and hang up the phone after rescheduling the client for two weeks from now. You fill the gaping hole in your schedule with busy work, silently stewing the entire time. You’ve wasted valuable preparation time and lost out on revenue twice–first from your client canceling and second because, with enough warning, you could’ve filled the now-vacant time slot with another customer. Imagine the same scenario, but you have a well-crafted cancellation policy. Your client knows they have to cancel their appointment at least 24 hours in advance or incur a fee. Last-minute cancellations happen rarely, and when they do, you’re compensated. Your business runs smoothly, and your schedule remains full.

Do You Use a Business Texting App? You Should Be!

Does the thought of texting your clients seem too casual for your business? Think again! Consumers are increasingly demanding that businesses utilize text messaging over any other method. A recent study found that 89% of consumers prefer texting a business over any other form of communication. Business texting apps have emerged as powerful tools enabling companies to reach their customers on their terms. Business texting apps enable businesses to send and receive text messages, fostering real-time interactions beyond simple notifications. Whether addressing customer support issues, driving sales through promotions, or ensuring clients attend appointments, business texting apps are revolutionizing how companies connect with their audiences. How do you ensure prospective and current clients see and act on your messages? Let’s dive into how to make it happen.

Use Segmented Message Blasts to Drive More Appointments

Why do some SMS and email campaigns fail to make an impact while others seem to hit the bullseye? The answer lies in segmentation. Rather than blasting your entire client base with the same generic message, consider tailoring your messages to smaller audience segments. People engage and react positively when they receive messages that feel relevant and centered around their needs and interests. While it may require extra upfront work, you will almost certainly boost your conversion rates. A study by McKinsey found that companies that utilize personalization well see a 40 percent increase in revenue compared to the industry average. Read on to uncover seven segmentation strategies you can use to run highly effective SMS and Email Message Blast Campaigns.

Routing Forms Explained: Leveraging Client Responses for Smarter Appointment Scheduling

Meet Lisa, an overwhelmed office manager at a growing business. Every day, she faces the daunting task of handling all incoming appointment requests from prospective and current clients (on top of all her other work). Despite her best efforts, many appointment requests fall through the cracks. Why? Lisa simply doesn’t have the bandwidth to connect each new inquiry with the right team member fast enough before clients reach out to their competition. In fact, 82% of people expect a response within 10 minutes, or they’ll take their business elsewhere. Contrast this with a competitor down the street that automatically assigns every new appointment request to the appropriate team member instantly. How? Routing Forms. Current and prospective clients fill out routing forms on the business’s website and provide key details about their needs (e.g., personal details, services requested). This information is then used to automatically route the request to the most suitable team member’s online booking page. The result? The business maximizes its chances of converting appointment requests into scheduled appointments and, in turn, grows its base of loyal and happy customers. Understanding how to use routing forms effectively can streamline […]

How to Shift Your Online Scheduling Availability for Summer

The summer season is upon us, and you’re likely looking forward to taking some time off or adjusting your schedule to enjoy the extra warmth and daylight. Whatever the reason for your schedule change, it’s crucial to update your online booking pages now before any changes go into effect. Waiting until the day of or after to adjust your availability means you’ve waited too long! That new appointment waiting for you next Friday at 4 PM might stymie your getaway plans. With Apptoto, shifting your schedule for summertime (or anytime, really) is simple. Learn why it’s essential to proactively adjust your seasonal schedule and how to keep everything running smoothly. The Importance of Proactively Updating Your Online Scheduling Availability To keep clients happy and eliminate countless headaches for yourself, you should add any seasonal schedule changes to Apptoto upwards of two to three months before your availability changes.* Why? Imagine a regular client who schedules an appointment with you every other week at 8:30 AM on Thursday mornings. You’ve decided to adjust your business hours from 10 AM to 4 PM during the summer months. But, since you haven’t updated […]

Message Blasts vs. Campaigns: Tools for Targeted Client Outreach

Maximizing your client communication strategy means knowing when to use the right tools for the job. If you’re an Apptoto user, you recognize how valuable appointment reminders are in reminding clients about upcoming appointments and preventing no-shows. But there are other ways you may want to connect with clients (outside of reminders)—whether that’s to send a quick “heads up” about their upcoming visit or entice them to book a new service they’ve never used before. Campaigns and Message Blasts both help you communicate with clients, but they serve different purposes. Campaigns are your long-term game plan, sending automated messages to keep clients engaged and booking appointments over time. Message Blasts are your quick-hit solution for immediate announcements and urgent updates. Learning to use these two powerful tools can elevate your client outreach, drive more bookings, and build stronger relationships.

Message Blasts: Capture Prospective Clients’ Attention & Business

Attention, they say, is the currency of the modern business landscape. It’s a scarce resource, and you have to be creative to capture it. With people’s focus being pulled a hundred different ways every day, capturing your audience’s attention can feel impossible. Businesses fight against each other using massive marketing efforts and outreach to attract and retain clients. And, it can feel like a losing battle  when you look at what your larger competitors are able to do (and afford). Luckily, when it comes to communicating with prospective and current clients in a personalized (but scalable) way, there is an equalizer: message blasts. With the right tools and strategies, you can harness the power of targeted messaging to engage your audience, drive sales, and cultivate lasting relationships with your customers. Explore how businesses like yours can leverage message blasts to their advantage, empowering them to compete on equal footing with their larger counterparts.

Stop Losing New Clients to Competitors: A Guide to Lead Routing

Capturing and routing leads effectively can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving for appointment-based businesses. When a prospective client reaches out, they might not be ready to book an appointment immediately. Instead, they need to be paired with the right person to nurture their interest and convert them into a paying customer. This is where lead routing comes into play. Lead routing ensures that every inquiry is directed to the best-suited team member to meet their needs. Whether it’s a bride-to-be comparing various salons for her big day or a potential legal client looking for representation, effective lead routing can turn these inquiries into lasting relationships. By mastering lead routing, you can maximize your business’s potential and ensure no lead falls through the cracks. Dive into our guide on lead routing for appointment-based businesses. Discover how to optimize your processes to boost client satisfaction and business growth. Learn strategies to help you seamlessly manage inquiries, match leads with the perfect providers, and keep new opportunities flowing through your door.

How Businesses Can Help Ease Clients’ Appointment Anxiety

Ever find yourself dialing up Mom or Dad, hoping they’ll work their magic and book an upcoming appointment for you, only to hear them say, “Time to do it yourself, buddy. You’re an adult now.”?  It’s a feeling immortalized in countless TikTok and Instagram videos, proving that the struggle is real, not just for newly minted 20-somethings but for adults well into their 30s and 40s. Even though most adults are capable of scheduling appointments themselves, the task can feel daunting. Why is that? For many, it comes down to appointment anxiety. 

Score More 5⭐ Client Reviews with Automated Text & Email Requests

Imagine scrolling on your phone, searching for a new hair salon or primary care physician. What’s the first thing you scan before you click a single link to learn more? Reviews, right? It’s become second nature. And it’s not just you—89% of today’s consumers factor reviews into their decision-making process when making a purchase. Consumers want to know what others have experienced before they commit.  Think about it from your customer’s perspective. If your business has zero reviews or 15 five-star reviews from people who all suspiciously share your last name, how will prospective clients judge your business? With skepticism, of course!  Consumers aren’t afraid to speak their minds about their experiences with businesses, so reviews– good and bad–are crucial for establishing credibility and trust. Reviews reassure customers and give them confidence in their choices.